2.9.6 Use of College Vehicles

Revised: October 1, 2014; October 1, 2017; October 1, 2018; October 30, 2020

College vehicles are provided for use by faculty and staff strictly for conducting official college business. College fleet vehicles may be reserved through the Physical Plant Department’s Maintenance Work Request system and should be scheduled no more than three months in advance of actual travel. Each request must include the date and time for pickup, and the date and time for return. Requests are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis when requests meet requirements (see above).

Students may use college cars only with the permission of the Chief Operating Officer. Normally, student use of college cars is limited to the SGA President. Other students may operate cars and minivans when permission is granted by the Chief Operating Officer upon the request of a faculty or staff member, after the student driver has turned in a completed Field Trip Authorization Form, his or her driving record is checked, and the form is approved. The form is located in the college’s intranet. A driving record check is done on students who are requested to drive school vehicles. Drivers must be 25 years of age or older to transport other students.

Spouses of college employees may accompany them in college cars if space is available, and all travel is strictly for official college business. Spouses may not operate college vehicles. Children of college employees may not be passengers in college cars driven by the employee. Any exceptions to these rules must be submitted in writing to the Chief Operating Officer for approval.

  • Employees should not, under any conditions, use any alcohol or narcotics while operating state vehicles.
  • Employees should not use any hand-held devices while driving. All cell phones should be hands-free at all times.

Submit all vehicle reservation requests via the Maintenance Work & IT Work Request desktop icon.

Each request must include the following:

Date, day of the week, and time for pickup.
Date, day of the week, and time for return.
Type of vehicle needed (Car, Minivan, 15-Passenger van).

When multiple, non-sequential dates of travel require the use of college vehicles, one work request per date/sequential dates must be submitted.

The individual who requests the use of a college vehicle must also be the individual who will drive the vehicle.

Vehicle reservations are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis when the request meets the above criteria. Following the assignment of the vehicle(s), the requester will receive a confirmation reply. Without this confirmation, the use of the vehicle(s) requested is not guaranteed.

When returning a College vehicle between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Monday – Friday), park the vehicle in the appropriate parking area behind McKean Hall and return the keys to the Physical Plant front desk.

When returning a College vehicle outside of our normal operating hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday), park the vehicle in the Homer Lot (in front of McKean Hall) and deposit keys in the key drop box located on the parking curb.

The mileage forms, located on a clipboard in each vehicle, should be accurately and legibly completed. Smoking is not permitted in College vehicles.

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